The Energy Information Administration (EIA), the main federal agency responsible for collecting and analyzing energy statistics, has been rolling out an application programming interface (API), allowing developers to more easily access their vast statistical database. In our energy series, chart-it will use the EIA’s API to explore their database for interesting observations aboutRead More →

Has the price of crude oil become more or less volatile over time? Gleaning at the news, it would seem that the price has become significantly more volatile with, perhaps, the growing number speculators to blame. Let’s take a look at the data.   Let’s take a look at theRead More →

The average monthly price of Brent crude oil fell approximately 20.7 percent in December. How does this compare to Brent’s historical price volatility? The chart below shows the frequency of certain percentage changes in the average monthly price of Brent from May 1987 to December 2014. The average monthly priceRead More →